A good way for elite London escorts to earn a fat paycheck is by going on an overseas trip with a client. It can either be for a couple of days or even more than one week. So the question is, “How are you going to fit everything in one suitcase?” Having been in the call girl industry for more than five years, I am confident that my tips will come in handy and help you enjoy your trip to the max.
Essential Packing Tips for Call Girls
Pack Some Lingerie
When going out, remember that you are not going for a vacation and that you have a job to do. You can ask your client what he would want you to wear. If he is not sure, you can decide to pack at least three different kinds of lingerie ranging from black, red, and white.
Do Not Forget Your Workout Clothes
If your client is going on a business trip, then rest assured that you will spend most of your time alone in the hotel room. In this case, you may want to make yourself busy by going to the gym. Some workout clothes to pack include leggings and at least one pair of sports shoes. Also, do not forget to carry a sports bra, or you will be uncomfortable while working out as your boobs will be flying all over the place.
A Medical Kit
A medical kit is an essential kit for models, and it contains prescriptions that you may have. It should also have basic medicines such as painkillers and vitamins.
Know Your Location and Check the Weather
The first rule of travel is simple: know your location. When you learn the place, do a simple google search on the expected weather. It will help you decide on what to pack for your escort journey. For example, you do not want to pack light clothes when you are going to Alaska. Similarly, high class babes do not want to pack heavy clothes when going to Dubai.
Swimming Costume
You will most probably have to spend your night in a hotel room. That is why you should pack a swimming costume to enable you to enjoy swimming without having to buy one.
Flat Shoes
One of the mistakes that I made during my first overseas trip was to pack only high-heeled shoes. I don’t think right that time. I did a lot of things wrong. For example, I never asked about the location {I realize I was naïve then} I only knew about the country. Additionally, we were staying at a Nation Park Reserve. Imagine how ridiculous I looked, trying to walk through the rugged terrains of Africa in my escort high heeled shoes!
Client Supplies
From experience, the client will not bring much except his documents and a visa. Therefore, you have to pack any sex supplies you might need. That includes lubes, condoms, massage oil, or even a vibrator.
In conclusion, elite London escorts should only pack essentials as a heavy bag will make their trip uncomfortable. Also, packing too many items might result in you forgetting some of them behind.