Elite London Escorts love to visit the west of America. America’s West is often associated with Stetson-wearing cowboys and cowgirls rounding up cattle on horseback in vast ranches. Such a rustic and unique way of life has helped to create a culture that attracts many people. Country and western music is hugely popular not only in America’s rural West region but also worldwide. Simultaneously, unique and thrilling sports such as rodeo are an attraction that brings many the part.
One 24/7 sport associated with the region is cutting, which, unsurprisingly, is an equestrian based sport. It displays the horse and rider’s skill in rounding up cattle, with the winners decided by a panel of judges. The best are superstars in their own right with fame and the potential for considerable wealth. One of the latest upcoming stars comes from quite an unexpected background.
A Rising Star from the city.
London’s East End may not be the first thing that springs to mind when thinking of Western superstars. That’s exactly where the latest rising star come into being. Jenny, a 27-year-old former high class Park Lane escort who has called the city home all her life. She is putting in some eye-brow raising performances that have many in the sport quite excited. In a game dominated by men, the elite London escorts turn out to be a marketer’s dream.
In addition to her sublime horse-handling skills, Jenny’s great looks also help make her so easily marketable, along with one key ingredient: Her thick British accent and contrasting quite clearly with the American country accent shared by the likes of Dolly Parton.
Jenny’s accent is alluring her to 24/7 advertising companies and sponsorship deals that help make her a superstar in the region. Jenny has already become somewhat of a household name to people from all walks of life.
A skilled top equestrian.
To those that know Jenny, it’s no great surprise that she has shown such skill in the saddle. Before the death of her father, she would take horse riding lessons regularly. These ignited a passion that remains with her to this day. Although her father’s death meant that horse riding generally became too expensive for her, she would still save for an opportunity to get in the saddle whenever possible.
While on holiday a few years ago in America, a rodeo star noticed Jenny’s skills and recognised the potential talent as a star. The rodeo star then took Jenny on board, providing all necessary training and equipment.
Funding has been provided to her to quit her job as one of the top high class escort girls. Therefore, she finally moved to America to embark upon a new and very different career.