For most elite London escorts, this is the time to travel with their family or loved ones. As winter approaches, most prefer to find a suitable holiday location to run away from the cold. However, things are now a bit complicated thanks to covid-19. It, however, does not mean that you cannot travel with your family and loved ones. All you’ve got to do is to take extra precautions.
At the moment, scientists recommend that VIP Park Lane call girls adhere to social distancing rules until the curve is flattened. For this reason, they only recommend essential travel to minimize the risk of getting the virus. However, if you must travel, then follow our call girl travel tips below:
1. Be Aware of Travel Restrictions
If a high class Park Lane escort is planning to travel more than 100 kilometers from your home, you need to be aware of travel restrictions in different parts of the country. Suppose you are deciding to travel outside the UK. Always check with the embassy to know whether you are traveling in a safe state or not. It is also important to know whether your traveling country requires you to be quarantined for 14 days upon your arrival.
If you are going to the United States of America, you can check with Harvard Global Health Insititute to know where to travel and where not to travel.
2. Get Immunized
Before you decide to travel to another country, make sure you are immunized. Some of the vaccines you should take include yellow fever vaccine and malaria prevention medicine, especially if you travel to tropical destinations, polio, and influenza vaccines. While traveling, do not focus on getting a vaccine that you forget to inquire about health care facilities.
If you are a busty model taking your children with you for a 24/7 holiday, finding a health facility near you can mean life or death. If there are no health facilities near you, then do not travel there!
3. Know Your Risk Status
According to the CDC, the VIP 24/7 models who do not know their risk status are three times more likely to be infected with the virus. This is because knowing your risk status will help you take extra precautions. You should probably take extra precautions if you are obese or have an underlying health condition such as high blood pressure, cancer, or asthma.
4. Avoid Coronavirus Hotspots
Do you really have to travel to the Serengeti National Reserve or the United States of America now? I mean, it is not a do-or-die tour. When you are planning on where to go for a holiday trip with your escort, avoid hot spots. Countries such as Mexico, America, Brazil, and Russia should be a No Go Zone.
5. Consider Your Transport
During an elite London escorts vacation, you need to plan traveling in real-time? Will you use air, ship or by train? When traveling, make sure you avoid crowded places such as train stations and bus stations. If you can, hire a high class private vehicle instead and avoid congested areas.